Ideal Standard Bath Front Side End Panels. Colours
Reinforced. Heavy Duty Extra Strong Plastic Bath Panels Unilux Kicking Board Panel.
Whisper Peach Misty Peach Grey Indian Ivory Blue
Strong Bath Panels Whisper Green Misty Green JSL Bathrooms Bradford Yorkshire
For Use With Accent Michelangelo Linda Brasilia and Peanut Baths UNILUX.

Ideal Standard Bath Panels. Linda. Brasilia. Peanut. Michelangelo. Unilux. Acrylic. Toughened.
Ideal Standard Reinforced Unilux Bath Panels.
Sizes Are For Length And Are Approximate.
FRONT SIDE PANEL (1700mm) £100 - END PANEL (700mm & 750mm) £50. Colours Available.
Front View. (Colour Side)

Rear View. (Reinforcement Layer)

Reinforced Super Strong Ideal Standard Bath Panels. Some Of The Strongest Plastic Bath Panels Available. Limited Stock Remains. JSL Bathroom Suites. Bradford. Yorkshire.
IDEAL STANDARD Bath Panels. Unilux. Michelangelo. Brasilia
Ideal Standard Bath Panels. Whisper Colours. Unilux JSL
Super strong bath panels. Unilux Ideal Standard. Colours available. Whisper Misty Grey, Green, Peach, Blue, Indian Ivory. Peanut Michelangelo Brasilia Linda
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Ideal Standard Bath Front Side and End Panels. Colours
Reinforced. Heavy Duty Extra Strong Plastic Bath Panels Unilux Kicking Board Panel.
Whisper Peach Misty Peach Whisper Grey Misty Grey Indian Ivory Whisper Blue Misty Blue.
Strong Bath Panels Whisper Green Misty Green JSL Bathrooms Bradford Yorkshire
For Use With Accent Michelangelo Linda Brasilia and Peanut Baths UNILUX.