Pan connectors do just that. They fit onto the back of the outlet waste on the toilet pan and bridge it to the soil pipe. A rubber seal within the pan end secures a water tight fit, ensuring no leakage. We wouldn't want that now would we? No.
Multikwik. Pan Connector.
Pan Connector
Short Angled.
Multikwik. Pan Connector.
Bent WC Pan Connector
Right Angled.
Imperial Ceramic. Pan Connectors.
Quality Ceramic Pan Connector. 330mm Length.
Imperial Ceramic. 90 Degree Offset Pan Connector.
Quality Ceramic Pan Connector. 240mm to centre.
Ceramic Pan Connector.
Quality Ceramic Pan Connector. 240mm Length.
Plastic. Pan Connectors - Discontinued Colours.
Range Of Colours
Offset & 90 Degree Bends.
Ceramic. Pan Connectors. Discontinued Colours.
Range Of Colours
Offset 45 Degree & 90 Degree Bends.
Multikwiks. Pan Connectors. Outlet soil pipe toilet junction fitting
Pan Connectors Multikwiks JSL Bathrooms Bradford Yorkshire
Pan Connectors Multikwiks. Plastic and Ceramic pan connectors available in White and Colours. WC outlet, waste soil pipe converters. Push on sealed fittings.
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Multikwiks. Toilet Pan Connectors. Plastic and Ceramic.
JSL Bathrooms. Pan Connectors. Toilet Outlet. Soil Pipe. Waste Pipe Push Fitting. Multiquicks
White and Some Colours Available. P-Trap. P Trap S-Trap S Trap. Multikwik Convertors
Ceramic Pan Connectors. Toilet Fittings Plastic Multikwiks White. Colours
Offset Right Angle Bent Short Long Pampas Avocado Sky Blue White Sorrento Blue Bali
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